Saxon Math 3 Homeschool Complete Kit 1st Edition

Saxon Math 3 Homeschool Complete Kit 1st Edition
Math 3 uses simulations and games to help third-grade students understand and practice new concepts. Social studies and science connections are stressed. Your child can learn to: skip-count by whole numbers, compare and order numbers, identify ordinal position to the twentieth, identify and complete patterns, add and subtract multidigit numbers, divide by single-digit divisors, add positive and negative numbers, picture, name, and order fractions, add and subtract fractions with common denominators, understand and calculate measurements, compare and measure mass, identify function rules, graph ordered pairs on a coordinate graph, identify angles, identify lines of symmetry.
Saxon Math 3 Homeschool Complete Kit 1st Edition
- Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Grade Level: 3
- Item #: 9781565770201
each #9781565770201 |
Price: $239.60 SRP: $239.60 |
Features and Benefits
- Grade: 3
- Material Type: Resource Materials
- Format: Kit
- ISBN-13/EAN: 9781565770201
- ISBN-10: 156577020X
- Product Code: 1254999
- National/State: National
- Copyright Year: 1994