Words and Their Stories

Words And Their Stories (WATS) is an award-winning web-based vocabulary program that engages students in grades 5-12 with the stories behind words.
Words and Their Stories requires students to apply etymology and critical thinking skills (application, analysis, synthesis) in a sequential, inductive process to develop true understanding of word meaning.
Delivered through engaging multimedia, Words and Their Stories actually makes vocabulary study fun and effective while:
- Building vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.
- Fostering the development of critical thinking skills
- Supporting the love of word acquisition.
Students experience - A compelling game, while exploring academic vocabulary.
- A series of clues helping unravel each word's meaning
- The ability to track personal progress and watch vocabulary skills improve.
Words And Their Stories includes over 1,000 vocabulary words.
- Six levels of difficulty
- Thousands of related words
Words and Their Stories
Free Shipping
- Publisher: FableVision
- Grade Level: K-8
- Item #: FABWORDS
Classroom 25 students + 1 Teacher 12-months #FABwords-25 |
Price: $194.00 SRP: $200.00 |
Features and Benefits
About the WATS™ System:
A game-like experience leads students through clues for each word. Rather than relying on rote memorization, students must apply etymology and critical thinking skills in a sequential, inductive process to unravel and understand each word's definition.
- First: An illustrative story of the derivation of each word
- Clue #1: Applying information contained in the derivation
- Clue #2: Drawing upon prior knowledge
- Clue #3: Inferring meaning from context
- Clue #4: Completing an analogy
- Clue #5: Analyzing context to complete a sentence
Following each Clue, students receive immediate feedback that explains the correct answer and purposefully prepares them for the next Clue. After the fifth Clue, they are provided with a precise dictionary-style definition and a Bonus Word(s).
Product Format
Words And Their Stories is web-based and mobile responsive. Students can log in to their accounts from any computer connected to the Internet. Subscriptions are annual.
Teachers can track students' progress from the Teacher Dashboard.
- Track student's improvement from Pre-test to Post-test.
- Drill down and find out how your student is doing in each type of word clue.
- See scores for each level of the program.
- See which words your student completed, and the points they earned for each.
- Filter words by level of difficulty and/or theme, which makes lesson creation easy.
- Add your own words to the program.
- Create custom word lists to match curriculum you are studying.
- Create printable quizzes from any list.
System Requirements
Online 12-Months Subcription